Monday, December 28, 2009

SQL Server Migration QuickStart

The SQL Server Migration QuickStart includes a comprehensive set of technical content including presentations, whitepapers and demos that are designed to help you get details about how to approach your customers who want to improve the return on investment from their data platforms by migrating to SQL Server from their existing Oracle or Sybase platforms.
SQL Server Migration QuickStart

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management and AdministrationMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 Internals (Pro - Developer)SQL Server 2008, Developer EditionBeginning SQL Server 2008 for Developers: From Novice to ProfessionalMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Fundamentals (PRO-Developer)

Built-in Functions - Configuration Functions

Configuration functions return a single value pertinent to the configuration of the current SQL Server instance; these functions do not accept any parameters. The value returned from some of the configuration functions can be changed by altering one of the configuration parameters by using the SET statement, executing sp_configure, or sp_dboption. All configuration functions are nondeterministic.

@@DATEFIRST Function

Returns the value of SET DATEFIRST (with DATEFIRST, 1 stands for Monday, 2 stands for Tuesday, and so on). Example:


@@DBTS Function

Current value of TIMESTAMP data type within the current database. Example:




@@LANGID Function

Language id of the current language in use. You can modify the language to be used by running SET LANGUAGE statement. Example:



Die Spracheneinstellung wurde auf Deutsch geändert.   


@@LANGUAGE Function

Language name of the current language in use. Example:



Lock timeout setting for current connection. You can alter the value of this function by executing SET LOCK_TIMEOUT statement by specifying maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) SQL Server should wait before canceling the statement for which locks are not available. Default value is -1 meaning that SQL Server will wait indefinitely. Example:



Maximum connections allowed on the current instance of SQL Server. You can alter the value returned by this function by executing sp_configure. Maximum number of connections allowed on any SQL Server instance is 32767 but this number will be limited by your hardware and / or edition of SQL Server you're using. Example:



Precision level used by default for NUMERIC and DECIMAL data types. Default value is 38. Example:


@@NESTLEVEL Function

Nesting level of current procedure execution (incremented each time one stored procedure executes another). Example:


@@OPTIONS Function

SET options for the current connection. The value returned by this function can be altered by executing sp_configure and changing user options. This function returns an integer representation of the binary value that stores connection settings. Example:


@@REMSERVER Function

Returns the name of the remote SQL Server from which a stored procedure is executed. This function is deprecated and will not be supported in future versions of SQL Server. Example:



Returns the name of the local SQL Server. Example:



Name of the registry key under which SQL Server is running. Returns the instance name for non-default instances. For the default instance returns MSSQLSERVER. Example:




@@SPID Function

Current server process id (spid). Example:


@@TEXTSIZE Function

Current value of TEXSIZE option. The value returned by this function can be altered by executing SET TEXTSIZE statement to specify the upper limit for the length of columns with VARCHAR(MAX), NVARCHAR(MAX), NTEXT, TEXT, IMAGE and VARBINARY(MAX) data types. Example:


@@VERSION Function

Date, version, and processor type for the current instance of SQL Server. Example:


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86)   Oct 14 2005 00:33:37   Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation   Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

SQL Server Migrating from Other Database Products

MySQL to SQL Server 2008

In this migration guide you will learn the differences between the MySQL and SQL Server 2008 database platforms, and the steps necessary to convert a MySQL database to SQL Server.

Oracle to SQL Server 2008
This white paper explores challenges that arise when you migrate from an Oracle 7.3 database or later to SQL Server 2008. It describes the implementation differences of database objects, SQL dialects, and procedural code between the two platforms. The entire migration process using SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) 2008 for Oracle is explained in depth, with a special focus on converting database objects and PL/SQL code.

Informix to SQL Server 2008

This white paper explores challenges that arise when you migrate from an Informix 11 database to SQL Server 2008. It describes the implementation differences of database objects and procedural code between the two platforms. Emulation of system functions is also discussed.

Sybase ASA to SQL Server 2008

This white paper explores challenges that arise when you migrate from a Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA) database of version 9 or later to SQL Server 2008. It describes the implementation differences of database objects, SQL dialects, and procedural code between the two platforms.

Sybase ASE to SQL Server 2008
This white paper covers known issues for migrating Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise database to SQL Server 2008. Instructions for handling the differences between the two platforms are included. The paper describes how SQL Server Migration Assistant, the best tool for this type of migration, can help resolve various migration issues.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

SharePoint Track in MSDN Ramp Up

Ramp Up is a free, online, community-based learning program, with a number of different tracks that will help you build your portfolio of professional development skills.The SharePoint track will immerse you in many of the developer-centric capabilities of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.

Introduction to Web Parts

Did you know that in SharePoint you can build pages as easy as in ASP.NET – and allow end users to create dashboards? Web parts allow for creating components of Web user interface that can be reused on multiple Web pages. These are introduced in ASP.NET and built on in SharePoint where they can be added to pages by end users and managed by IT Professionals. In this topic you will learn about building simple Web parts for SharePoint and how to connect them back to SharePoint site data.

Data Lists for Developers

Did you know that SharePoint developers can work with data from lists that users get access to too? Data lists provide data storage for end users in SharePoint. End users can create lists with schema all through the SharePoint user interface and they can create, edit, and view the data. All of this data can be programmatically accessed by developers and this topic is all about that.

Programming Event Handlers

Did you know that SharePoint developers can automatically process data that your users upload via a spreadsheet? Event handlers (or event receivers) are custom code that runs on the SharePoint server in response to something that happens on the server. Event handlers can be useful for running business logic in response to data being added to the site. This topic shows how to create simple event handlers and investigates ways that event handlers can be used in SharePoint.

Workflow in SharePoint

Did you know that you can write WF workflows in SharePoint without having to worry about storage, persistence, or how to interact with the user? Workflow in SharePoint allows for implementation of processes that require interaction such as email approvals or form completion by people in your organization. This topic shows you how to create simple workflows in SharePoint using Visual Studio that involve approvals from people by email and for meeting room resource bookings with an administrator.

Silverlight and SharePoint

Did you know that you can build rich Internet applications with SharePoint? Silverlight is a new Web user interface technology from Microsoft that allows for easy implementation of animations and videos. This topic shows how a SharePoint user interface can be enhanced by using Silverlight in Web parts as part of a SharePoint site.

Visit the Ramp Up site and sign up for free.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Adding an 'Up Folder' button to a SharePoint List View Webpart

A little while ago I was asked if it was possible to add an 'Up Folder' button so that users could navigate back to the parent folder in a ListView webpart. I knew you could easily add a button to the ListView toolbar and adding the functionality to go to to the parent folder couldn't be that difficult so I said

yes. However, it wasn't as straight forward as I would have hoped.

Adding the toolbar button

Adding the button to the toolbar is pretty straight forward, you just need a feature with a CustomAction, which in turn adds the button...

<CustomAction Title="Up Folder"






Description="Navigates up a folder in a ListView Webpart"

ControlAssembly="TheKid.CustomActions.Backup, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=919ab618f7ce98cf"

ControlClass="TheKid.CustomActions.Backup.Action" />

This is using a class which inherits from SPLinkButton and displays the button on the ListViewWebPart toolbar. This works no problem and we can then write some code to navigate the 'Up Folder' functionality.

NOTE: In the CustomAction above we are using RegistrationType='ContentType' and RegistrationId="0x01". This is going to register this button for every content type (essentially every list & document library), so if you want to restrict this functionality you can by changing these values.

Formatting the link

The ListViewWebPart uses post-backs to change the folder displayed, in particular it uses a javascript function called EnterFoler to perform the postback. This function takes one parameter which is the formatted URL for the folder to which you wish to navigate. The URL should be the current URL with three parameters, the RootFolder, the Folder Content Type ID and the View Guid.

So to format the link we need to know the parent folder URL, which you would have thought you could get in code no problem...apparently not. I could not find anything which would give me access to the current folder of the ListView in order to workout the parent folder. Unfortunately I had to resort to reflection to get this information, not something I generally like doing and I wouldn't recommend it...but when needs must!!

The ListViewWebPart contains a private variable called 'rootFolder' that contains the current folder the webpart is displaying, as this was exactly what I needed I used that...

private static object GetPrivateFieldValue(object obj, string fieldName)
FieldInfo fi = obj.GetType().GetField(fieldName,
return fi.GetValue(obj);

This code can be used to obtain the value of the private variable contained within the ListViewWebPart. This I used to not only get the 'rootFolder', but also a variable called 'folderCtId' which holds the content type ID (it's always been blank for me??).
With these two bits of information I was able to build the URL so that when the button was clicked it would navigate the ListView up to the parent folder...

string sCurrentUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString();
if (sCurrentUrl.Contains("?")) sCurrentUrl = sCurrentUrl.Substring(0, sCurrentUrl.IndexOf("?"));
string sCTID = (string)GetPrivateFieldValue(lv, "folderCtId");
string sStart = ((sNewRootFolder == "") ? "?" : SPHttpUtility.EcmaScriptStringLiteralEncode(sCurrentUrl

+ "?RootFolder=" + sNewRootFolder) + "&");
sStart = SPHttpUtility.EcmaScriptStringLiteralEncode(sCurrentUrl + "?RootFolder=" + sNewRootFolder) + "&";
string sNavigateUrl = sStart
+ "FolderCTID=" + SPHttpUtility.EcmaScriptStringLiteralEncode(sCTID)
+ "&View=" + SPHttpUtility.EcmaScriptStringLiteralEncode(lv.ViewGuid)
+ "&Key=" + lv.StorageKey.ToString();
return "javascript:EnterFolder('" + sNavigateUrl + "');return false";

Here you see the URL being constructed with the required QueryString parameters. You will also see that I have added a 'Key' parameter, this was to ensure the button would work on a page with multiple ListViewWebParts. This 'Up Folder' button will work even when there are multiple webparts for the same document library...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

SQL Server - Backup - Restore - Mirrored

We will go over the following important concepts of database backup and restore.

1.Conventional Backup and Restore
2.Spilt File Backup and Restore
3.Mirror File Backup
4.Understanding FORMAT Clause
5.Miscellaneous details about Backup and Restore
Note: Before running all the examples, make sure that you have the required folders created on your drive. It is mandatory to create Backup folders prior to creating backup files using SQL Server.

In our example, we will require the following folders:
  • C:\Backup\SingleFile
  • C:\Backup\MultiFile
  • C:\Backup\MirrorFile

Conventional and Split File Backup and Restore

Just a day before working on one of the projects, I had to take a backup of one database of 14 GB. My hard drive lacked sufficient space at that moment. Fortunately, I had two 8 GB USB Drives with me. Now, the question was how to take a backup in two equal sizes, each of 7 GB, so I can fit them on each USB drive. Well, conventional backup takes one large backup in one file. However, SQL Server backup command can take backups in two or more split parts.
Let us see an example of a conventional one-file backup using the AdventureWorks database.

TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\SingleFile\AdventureWorks.bak'

The result is displayed below. Here, the backup is taken in a single file.

Now, let us see how we can split one database into two different database files. This method is very similar to taking a single-file backup. By simply adding an additional DISK option we can split the files backup files.

TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\MultiFile\AdventureWorks1.bak',
DISK = 'C:\Backup\MultiFile\AdventureWorks2.bak',
DISK = 'C:\Backup\MultiFile\AdventureWorks3.bak'

In the previous example, we can clearly see that backup is split into three equal parts of the original backup file size.

Restoring a backup from a single-file backup is quite easy. Let us go over an example where we restore the AdventureWorks database from a single backup file.

FROM DISK = 'C:\Backup\SingleFile\AdventureWorks.bak'
Running the above script will give a successful message.

Now let us see an example where we restore a database from a split file. This method is very similar to restoring a database from a single file; just add an additional DISK option.
FROM DISK = N'C:\Backup\MultiFile\AdventureWorks1.bak',
DISK = N'C:\Backup\MultiFile\AdventureWorks2.bak',
DISK = N'C:\Backup\MultiFile\AdventureWorks3.bak'

Running the above script will give a successful message as shown in the image below.

Make sure that while restoring database, the database is not in use, otherwise it will give an error of database in use. In the event of an error taking place, close all the connections and re-attempt to restore the database.

Mirror Backup of the file

It is quite a common practice to create an exact copy of the backup and store it to several places to deal with any catastrophes which might affect the place where the database is stored. Once a full backup is accomplished DBAs generally copy the database to another location in their network using a third party tools like robocopy or native DOS commands like xcopy.

In SQL Server 2005 and later versions, there is a Mirror command that makes a copy of the database backup to different locations while taking the original backup. The maximum limit of additional locations that can be specified with MIRROR clause is 3.

Mirrored backup can be taken in local computer system as well as in a local network. Let us now see two examples of mirror backup.

Example 1. Single File Backup to Multiple Locations using Mirror
TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\SingleFile\AdventureWorks.bak'
MIRROR TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\MirrorFile\AdventureWorks.bak'

If this command is being run for the first time, it is mandatory to use the WITH FORMAT clause; but for sub sequential runs it is not required. WITH FORMAT reinitializes the backup.

When checked in both the folders ‘SingleFile’ and ‘MirrorFile’, backup files are exactly the same files. As mentioned earlier, four mirror backup can be specified in total.
Example 2. Split File Backup to Multiple Locations using Mirror

We have earlier seen an example where we can have multiple split files of large database backup files. SQL Server Mirror functionality also supports backup of the split files.

TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\MultiFile\AdventureWorks1.bak',
DISK = 'C:\Backup\MultiFile\AdventureWorks2.bak',
DISK = 'C:\Backup\MultiFile\AdventureWorks3.bak'
MIRROR TO DISK = 'C:\Backup\MirrorFile\AdventureWorks1.bak',
DISK = 'C:\Backup\MirrorFile\AdventureWorks2.bak',
DISK = 'C:\Backup\MirrorFile\AdventureWorks3.bak'
All the mirror sets will need the same number of DISK clauses as the original backup media.

Mirrored database backup can be restored using the same method as the original backup. Mirrored backup is in fact an exact replica of the original backup.
Understanding the FORMAT Clause

The FORMAT clause is used to reinitiate a backup media. Although it is a very useful clause it should be used with caution. When the clause is used it erases everything present in backup media. I have noticed that some DBAs are confused while taking a backup on a local disk where they have SQL Server installed. They have a misconception that if the format command is used, it will erase the complete disk including the SQL Server installation. However, the fact is that SQL Server format clause is quite different from OS format. The effect of SQL Server format clause is limited to a folder or path specified in the DISK clause.

In our example, when the FORMAT clause is specified, it will format only folders like C:\Backup\MultiFile\ or C:\Backup\SingleFile.

Related Errors
Error 3010

Invalid backup mirror specification. All mirrors must have the same number of members.
This error can show up while taking a mirrored database backup along with a regular backup; and DISK and MIRROR TO DISK do not match accurately.
The following image demonstrates how the error takes place.

To fix the error, match the members of DISK and MIRROR TO DISK to each other.

Error 3215

Use WITH FORMAT to create a new mirrored backup set
This error can spring up when a new backup is initiated and an existing media header needs to be reset for all headers on the backup media. If there is already a backup on the media, it will display this error and prevent backup from being overwritten. To fix this error, use WITH FORMAT as shown in an earlier example.

Miscellaneous details about Backup and Restore

When no options are specified, BACKUP DATABASE takes only full backups. Before taking the first log backup, full database backup is necessary to take one full backup. Backups created on later versions of SQL Server cannot be restored to earlier versions of SQL Server. The user needs permissions of sysadmin or db_owner or db_backupoperator roles to perform backup operation.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

SharePoint 2007 - Great Technical Articles

SharePoint 2007 How-To

Administrator and Developer Guide to Code Access Security in SharePoint Server 2007

Approaches to Creating Master Pages and Page Layouts in SharePoint Server 2007

Best Practices: Developing Content Types in SharePoint Server 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

Best Practices: Writing SQL Syntax Queries for Relevant Results in Enterprise Search

Building Records Management Solutions with SharePoint Server 2007

Capitalizing On the Social Network Capabilities of SharePoint Server 2007 User Profiles

Configuring and Deploying Anonymous Publishing Sites for SharePoint Server 2007

Connecting PivotTables in Excel 2007 to Data Stored in SharePoint Lists

Creating a Custom Feature in SharePoint Server 2007

Creating a Custom User Site Provisioning Solution with SharePoint Server 2007 (Part 1 of 2)

Creating a Custom User Site Provisioning Solution with SharePoint Server 2007 (Part 2 of 2)

Creating a Database Connection by Using the Business Data Catalog Definition Editor

Creating List Definitions with Custom List Columns for SharePoint Server 2007

Creating a Web Service Connection by Using the Business Data Catalog Definition Editor

Creating an Enterprise Search Crawl Log Viewer for SharePoint Server 2007

Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites (Part 1 of 3)

Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites (Part 2 of 3)

Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites (Part 3 of 3)

Customizing the Content Query Web Part in SharePoint Server 2007

Data-Type Handling with Excel Services User-Defined Functions

Delivering Modular SharePoint Workflow Functionality (Part 1 of 2)

Delivering Modular SharePoint Workflow Functionality (Part 2 of 2)

Deploying and Optimizing a SharePoint Web Part That Calls Excel Web Services

Deploying Information Management Policy Using Feature Activation in SharePoint Server 2007

Designing and Developing High-Performance SharePoint Server 2007 Publishing Sites

Developer Introduction to Workflows for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and SharePoint Server 2007

Developing Sequential Workflows for SharePoint Server 2007 Using Visual Studio 2008

Developing SharePoint 2007 Sequential and State Machine Workflows with Visual Studio 2008

Developing User-Defined Functions for Excel 2007 and Excel Services

Developing Workflow Solutions with SharePoint Server 2007 and Windows Workflow Foundation

Editing Business Data Using Business Data Catalog Actions and InfoPath Forms Services

Evaluating and Customizing Search Relevance in SharePoint Server 2007

Excel Services Technical Overview

Extending the Excel Services Programmability Framework

Finding Developer Help for SharePoint Products and Technologies

Forms Authentication in SharePoint Products and Technologies (Part 1): Introduction

Forms Authentication in SharePoint Products and Technologies (Part 2): Membership and Role Provider Samples

Forms Authentication in SharePoint Products and Technologies (Part 3): Forms Authentication vs. Windows Authentication

Helper Classes for the SharePoint Server 2007 Search Query Web Service Built Using the Microsoft .NET Framework

How to Create a SharePoint Server 2007 Custom Master Page and Page Layouts for a Web Content Management Site

How to Create a Silverlight Web Part in ASP.NET for Use in SharePoint Server 2007

How to Optimize a SharePoint Server 2007 Web Content Management Site for Performance

How to Optimize SharePoint Server 2007 Web Content Management Sites for Search Engines

Identity and Access Strategies for SharePoint Products and Technologies (Part 1): Membership and Provider Architecture

Identity and Access Strategies for SharePoint Products and Technologies (Part 2): Membership and Role Provider Assignment

Implementing a Brand in a SharePoint Server 2007 Publishing Site

Integrating External Document Repositories with SharePoint Server 2007

Integrating Siebel CRM with Office SharePoint Server 2007

Integrating SharePoint Server 2007 with Community Server Membership Databases

Interacting with the Excel Web Services API for SharePoint Server 2007

Interoperability for SharePoint Server 2007 and Lotus Notes or Lotus Domino

Interoperability Scenarios and Technologies for SharePoint Server 2007

Introduction to SharePoint Products and Technologies for the Professional .NET Developer

Item-Level Auditing with SharePoint Server 2007

Performing Incremental Crawling with the Business Data Catalog in SharePoint Server 2007

Prescriptive Guidance for SharePoint Server 2007 Web Content Management Sites

Real World Branding with SharePoint Server 2007 Publishing Sites (Part 1 of 2)

Real World Branding with SharePoint Server 2007 Publishing Sites (Part 2 of 2)

Search Customization and Development Options in SharePoint Server 2007

Searching Sites Protected by Forms Authentication with Enterprise Search in SharePoint Server 2007

SharePoint Server 2007 for MCMS 2002 Developers

Solution and Authored Artifact Development Models for SharePoint Products and Technologies

Team-Based Development in SharePoint Server 2007

Ten Tips for Using SharePoint Server 2007 with Excel Services

Understanding Field Controls and Web Parts in SharePoint Server 2007 Publishing Sites

Understanding the Report Center and Dashboards in SharePoint Server 2007

Upgrading an MCMS 2002 Application to SharePoint Server 2007 (Part 1 of 2)

Upgrading an MCMS 2002 Application to SharePoint Server 2007 (Part 2 of 2)

Upgrading SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Customizations to SharePoint Server 2007 (Part 1 of 2)

Upgrading SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Customizations to SharePoint Server 2007 (Part 2 of 2)

Using Enterprise Search Property Filters in SharePoint Server 2007

Using Excel Web Services in a SharePoint Web Part

Using Team Foundation Server to Develop Custom SharePoint Products and Technologies Applications

Using the Acceleration Toolkit for Microsoft Forefront Security for SharePoint

Monday, April 27, 2009

Dummy SSL certificate

Install iis60rkt.exe (IIS 6.0 Resource Kit Tools), which is a free download from Microsoft. You can use this link: or Search for iis60rkt.exe. The only requirement is that your machine should have a version of IIS.
Go to Start -> Programs -> IIS Resources -> IISCertDeploy.vbs -> IISCertDeploy.vbs
A command window will open outlining the various options. I installed a cert on my website by typing in:

selfssl /N:CN=ICE /K:1024 /V:3650 

If you type CN= then when you browse the site, you won't get this as a warning:

Now open the website properties and go to directory security, you will see 'View Certificate' Enabled.
When you view the certificate, it will show a red icon. That is because the certificate has not been added to the trusted list yet.
To add it in the trusted, go to Start -> Run -> Type mmc
Go to File and select Add/Remove snap In
Click on Add and select Certificates

(Full Size Image)
Select Computer Account and click on Next
Click on Finish, then close for the "Add Standalone Snap-In" window and then OK
Expand Certificates -> Personal -> Certificates

(Full Size Image)
Right click on ICE and select Copy
Then Expand Trusted Root Certificate (right under it) -> Certificates
Right Click and Select Paste.
Now if you want to export this to another machine, then right click on the cert name under Certificates -> Personal -> Certificates. Right click on it, All Tasks -> Export

(Full Size Image)
Click on Next, then on the next screen, select Export Private Key as well

Click on Next, then Next again and then input a password that you will remember. I used demo1234. Then put in a path where to export it to. I exported it locally and then copied it over onto the server where I needed it installed.
On the actual server:
Open the website properties, go to Directory Security and click on Server Certificate.
Click Next and then Select Import from a pfx file

Click on Next. Enter the path and file name and check the box to make the cert exportable.

Click on Next
Type in the same password and click on Next and then again on Next
Repeat the same process to add this cert into the trusted collection.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

LINQ to SQL vs. LINQ to Entities

There's a great paper on MSDN that describes the similarities and differences in LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities from the Entity Framework. 

A lot of people are really fired up about the simplicity that LINQ brings to the table.  What is confusing is how LINQ to SQL conflicts and overlaps with what LINQ to Entities offers.  From the article referenced above, the key takeaways are summarized below.

LINQ to SQL is good when your solution is targeted classes are going to be targeted at SQL Server and you have a 1:1 relationship between the domain model and database schema.

Use LINQ to Entities as an ORM solution where your classes may be 1:1 with the database or may have a very different structure from the database schema and targets.  LINQ to Entities will also good for 3rd party database solutions. 

Professional ADO.NET 3.5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

Pro LINQ Object Relational Mapping in C# 2008

Thursday, February 5, 2009

SharePoint 2007 - links and resources

This page contains links and resources specific to Web Content Management (WCM). WCM part of a larger Enterprise Content Management (ECM) strategy that's part of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007. MOSS is built on top of Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) v3.
Microsoft's SharePoint product stack is now so vast, that WCM specific links could easily get lost in the sea of resources. Therefore this page will only contain links specific to WCM and not MOSS or WSS as a whole. If you're looking for links for MOSS or WSS, I've included links to some other link-fests in the General SharePoint Information section within this page.
Some general SharePoint topics are listed here, such as content types and workflow, when I felt they would be of enough interest for WCM site owners, designers, and developers.



[back to top]


[back to top]


[back to top]


[back to top]


[back to top]

Code Sample

[back to top]


[back to top]

Community - Mailing List

[back to top]

Community - Newsgroup

 microsoft.public.cmserver.general [NNTP client link]
 microsoft.public.cmserver.general [WWW client link]
 microsoft.public.sharepoint.design_and_customization [NNTP client link]
 microsoft.public.sharepoint.design_and_customization [WWW client link]
 microsoft.public.sharepoint.development_and_programming [NNTP client link]
 microsoft.public.sharepoint.development_and_programming [WWW client link]
 microsoft.public.sharepoint.general [NNTP client link]
 microsoft.public.sharepoint.general [WWW client link]
 microsoft.public.sharepoint.server.excel_services [NNTP client link]
 microsoft.public.sharepoint.server.forms_services [NNTP client link]
 microsoft.public.sharepoint.setup_and_administration [NNTP client link]
 microsoft.public.sharepoint.setup_and_administration [WWW client link]

[back to top]

Community - Online Forum

[back to top]

Content Deployment

 2007 Office System Starter Kit: Enterprise Content Management Starter Kit
 Content deployment in Office SharePoint Server 2007
 Content Deployment – Step By Step Tutorial
 Content Migration Package Explorer
 Deep Dive into the SharePoint Content Deployment and Migration API - Part 1
 Deep Dive into the SharePoint Content Deployment and Migration API - Part 2
 Deep Dive into the SharePoint Content Deployment and Migration API - Part 3
 Deep Dive into the SharePoint Content Deployment and Migration API - Part 4
 Deep Dive into the SharePoint Content Deployment and Migration API - Part 5
 MOSS SDK: Deploying Content Between Servers
 OfficeDevCon06 - SharePoint Server 2007: Extending Web Content Management Features - Navigation, Caching, and Operations
 TechNet: Design Content Deployment Topology
 TechNet: Design Document Conversions Topology
 TechNet: Plan Content Deployment

[back to top]

Content Types

[back to top]

Development Practices, Tips & Utilities

 Adding Intellisense When Editing XML Files in WSS v3 / MOSS 2007
 Building, Part 1: Planning and Basic Branding (with links to part 2 and part 3)
 Debugging tips for SharePoint
 Development Tools and Techniques for Working with Code in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (Part 1 of 2)
 Development Tools and Techniques for Working with Code in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (Part 2 of 2)
 How to Create a MOSS 2007 VPC Image: The Whole 9 Yards
 How to create your own custom 404 error page and handle redirect in SharePoint 2007
 Increased performance for MOSS apps using the PortalSiteMapProvider
 Make your SharePoint debugging experience a little less painful
 Moving From Design To Reality - Building in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
 Moving layout files (master pages, page layouts, CSS, etc.) in a MOSS Publishing site between multiple environments
 SharePoint 2007 Features
 SharePoint 2007 Minimal Publishing site
 SharePoint developer tips and tricks
 Understanding Site Pages versus Application Pages
 Using ASP.NET 2.0 Code Behind Files in SharePoint v3 Sites
 Using Visual Studio 2005, MakeCab.exe and MSBuild to Create Window SharePoint Services v3 Solution Files (*.WSP's)

[back to top]

Document Converters

[back to top]

Documentation & Reference (official)

 2007 Office System Document: Developer Posters
 How to: Add a Button to the HTML Editor Field Control
 How to: Customize Asset Pickers
 How to: Customize Navigation
 How to: Customize Styles
 How to: Customize the HTML Editor Field Control
 How to: Customize the Page Editing Toolbar
 How to: Customize the Site Actions Menu
 How to: Display Custom Fields in a Content Query Web Part
 Microsoft.Office.RightsManagement.InformationPolicy Namespace
 Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow Namespace
 MOSS 2007 SDK
 MOSS 2007 SDK
 TechNet: Office SharePoint Server 2007
 TechNet: Plan for Administrative and Service Accounts
 TechNet: Windows SharePoint Services v3
 Using Columns and Content Types to Organize and Manage Your Content in Windows SharePoint Services (version 3)
 Using Content Types in Windows SharePoint Services (version 3) and SharePoint Server 2007
 Using Record Repository Features in Windows SharePoint Services (version 3) and SharePoint Server 2007
 Windows SharePoint Services Content Type Object

[back to top]

Documentation & Reference (unofficial)

[back to top]


 Adding Custom Quick Access Buttons to the Page Editing Toolbar in SharePoint Server 2007
 Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites (Part 2 of 3): Extending WCM
 How to: Add a Button to the HTML Editor Field Control
 How to: Customize Asset Pickers
 How to: Customize the HTML Editor Field Control
 How to: Customize the Page Editing Toolbar
 How to: Customize the Site Actions Menu
 OfficeDevCon06 - SharePoint Server 2007: Extending Web Content Management Features - Navigation, Caching, and Operations
 OfficeDevCon06 - SharePoint Server 2007: Extending Web Content Management Features - Page Authoring and Rendering
 OfficeDevCon06UK - Developing Web Content Management solutions with Office SharePoint Server 2007
 Restore current published major version Console Action

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Field Controls

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General SharePoint Information

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How To's

 Adding Code-Behind Files to Master Pages and Page Layouts in SharePoint Server 2007
 Adding Custom Quick Access Buttons to the Page Editing Toolbar in SharePoint Server 2007
 Building ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts for WSS v3
 Configuring Multiple Authentication Providers for SharePoint 2007
 Creating & Customizing Site Pages with SharePoint Designer 2007
 Creating & Using Content Types in WSS v3
 Creating & Using Site Columns in WSS v3
 Creating Custom Workflows with SharePoint Designer 2007
 Creating Workflows for Windows SharePoint Services Virtual Lab
 Customizing SharePoint 2007: Using SharePoint Designer
 Customizing SharePoint 2007: Using the browser
 Enabling Custom Authentication for SharePoint 2007
 How to: Add a Button to the HTML Editor Field Control
 How to: Customize Asset Pickers
 How to: Customize Navigation
 How to: Customize Styles
 How to: Customize the HTML Editor Field Control
 How to: Customize the Page Editing Toolbar
 How to: Customize the Site Actions Menu
 How to: Display Custom Fields in a Content Query Web Part
 Implementing Forms Authentication in MOSS Beta 2 with the ASP.NET SQL Provider - Part 1
 Implementing Forms Authentication in MOSS Beta 2 with the ASP.NET SQL Provider - Part 2
 Installing a New Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Portal: Step-by-Step Instructions
 Office SharePoint Server 2007 Video: Web Content Management in Office SharePoint Server 2007
 SharePoint 2007 Beta 2: Customizing the Content Query Web Part XSL
 SharePoint 2007 Forms Authentication
 SharePoint Designer Help & How-to
 Using ASP.NET 2.0 Code Behind Files in SharePoint v3 Sites
 Walkthrough: Using the SharePoint Server 2007 Approval Workflow

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Installation, Setup & Configuration

 How can I make my web site faster with caching ?
 Installing a New Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Portal: Step-by-Step Instructions
 Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 RTM Redistributable Package
 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 RTM Trial (180 day)
 Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh
 Planning for Capacity Boundaries, Estimating Performance & Capacity Requirements, Additional Factors, and Tools (MOSS)
 Planning for Capacity Boundaries, Estimating Performance & Capacity Requirements, Additional Factors, and Tools (WSS)
 SharePoint Deployment Capacity & Performance Planning 2003 & 2007 What you need to know...
 Using SPWebConfigModification to modify a SharePoint web application's web.config for all servers in the farm
 Visual Studio 2005 extensions for .NET Framework 3.0 RTM (Windows Workflow Foundation)
 Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (RTM)

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Master Pages & Page Layouts

 Adding Code-Behind Files to Master Pages and Page Layouts in SharePoint Server 2007
 Customizing and Branding Web Content Management-Enabled SharePoint Sites (Part 1 of 3): Understanding Web Content Management and the Default Features
 Customizing SharePoint 2007: Using SharePoint Designer
 Customizing SharePoint 2007: Using the browser
 Having Default Web Parts in new Pages Based Off Page Layouts in MOSS 2007 Publishing Sites
 Heather's Base Master Page File for SharePoint 2007
 Master Page STSADM Commands for MOSS
 OfficeDevCon06 - Building and Branding Web Sites Using the Web Content Management Capabilities of SharePoint Server 2007
 Office SharePoint Server 2007 Video: Web Content Management in Office SharePoint Server 2007
 Page anatomy in Office SharePoint Server 2007
 SharePoint 2007 Features
 SharePoint 2007 Minimal Publishing site

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Migration & Upgrade

 Assessing and Analyzing Your MCMS 2002 Application for Migration
 CMS Assessment Tool
 Designing Your MCMS 2002 Solution for Reusability
 Improving an IT Self-Help Portal User Experience: Technical Case Study (Migrating from MCMS 2002 -> MOSS 2007 WCM)
 Information for SPS 2003 & MCMS 2002 Developers
 Mapping MCMS 2002 APIs to SharePoint Server 2007
 Migrating a Microsoft Content Management Server 2002 Website
 TechEdUSA2006 - Migrating Your Content Management Server 2002 Web Sites to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
 MSDN Office Dev Center: Migration & Upgrade Center
 MSDN Webcast - The Evolution of Web Content Management in the 2007 version of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server
 Planning MCMS 2002 Application Migration to SharePoint Server 2007
 SharePoint Server 2007 for MCMS 2002 Developers
 Stefan's Common Errors and Warnings when migrating a MCMS database to MOSS 2007
 TechNet Webcast - Preparing for Web Content Management with the Office SharePoint Server
 Upgrading an MCMS 2002 Application to SharePoint Server 2007 (Part 1 of 2)
 Upgrading an MCMS 2002 Application to SharePoint Server 2007 (Part 2 of 2)

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Permissions & Security

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Product Information

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SharePoint Designer

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Training & Education

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UI Customization

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Variations & Localization

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WCM Information

 TechEdUSA2006 - Dot-Com Meets SharePoint: Building an Internet-Facing Web Site Using Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
 Improvements in Web Browser Compatibility
 MIX06 - Build Your Next Generation Internet Site Using SharePoint Technologies - 2007!
 MOSS: cross-browser support, WCM XHTML compliance, and ASP.NET 2.0 vs. WSS v3 Web Parts
 MSDN Webcast - Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Web Content Management for Content Owners and Authors
 MSDN Webcast - Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Web Content Management for Site Administrators and Owners
 MSDN Webcast - The Evolution of Web Content Management in the 2007 version of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server
 SharePoint 2007 - Built on ASP.NET 2.0
 TechNet Webcast - Preparing for Web Content Management with the Office SharePoint Server
 TechEdUSA2006 - Using the Web Content Management Features of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 to Build Great Looking Sites
 What are the MOSS Web Content Management (WCM) Features?

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WCM Websites

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Web Parts

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Web Part (Content Query Web Part)

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Web Parts (3rd party, custom, downloadable, etc)

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 2007 Office System Starter Kit: Enterprise Content Management Starter Kit
 Add custom workflow activities to SharePoint Designer
 Authoring workflows in WSS v3 - to use SharePoint Designer or Visual Studio, that is the the question!
 Channel9 - Rob Lefferts - SharePoint Services and Workflow
 Creating Workflows for Windows SharePoint Services Virtual Lab
 Creating Custom Workflows with SharePoint Designer 2007
 Developer Introduction to Workflows for Windows SharePoint Services V3 and SharePoint Server 2007
 Developing Workflows in Visual Studio: Part 7 and Final Thoughts
 MSDN Webcast - Developing SharePoint Workflows Using Visual Studio 2005
 MSDN: Workflow Information Center
 OfficeDevCon06 - InfoPath 2007: Development, Deployment, and Hosting for Rich and Browser Forms
 OfficeDevCon06 - InfoPath 2007: Integrating InfoPath Forms into Workflow Solutions and Business Processes
 Understanding Workflow in Windows SharePoint Services and the 2007 Microsoft Office System
 Visual Studio 2005 extensions for .NET Framework 3.0 RTM (Windows Workflow Foundation)
 Walkthrough: Using the SharePoint Server 2007 Approval Workflow
 WSS v3 Starter Kit: Workflow Developer Starter Kit for Windows SharePoint Services V3

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